Friday, July 18, 2008

Worked the kinks out

I got up at 5:30 this morning to say bye to Liz as she was leaving for the hospital. Usually, after she leaves I plop back in bed, but today I managed to stay awake. The trick was to just keep eating. I had two pieces of toast (with home-made black raspberry jam thanks to Liz and mimi) and two small bowls of applesauce. I was out the door on my bike at 6:40! AMAZING!!! there are very few cars on the road at that time so it was pretty easy to get out of town to the country side.

The ride was pretty good. My directions kept me on track for once. I was almost cloudy but really more of a haze. It made the sun look kind of fun, and I think it helped keep the temp cool. I did part of the metric century (100km or 65 miles) route that I'm hoping to do in October. It was flat that roads were pretty nice. I went 23 miles which is pretty good for me. I realized how slow I usually go though. I worked pretty hard just to go 18mph on average.

Once home and cooled off, I went back to bed for 45 minutes. It was glorious.

There were some cute baby cows in a field that I passed. The mom cow would have been cute expect for the drool coming out of her mouth. West Lafayette must have some tasty grass in order to make even the cows drool. The cows all stopped eating and watched me as I went past. I've decided that cows are my best spectators (as in only).

Cows look like this. If you look in their eyes, you can tell what they are thinking. Today's cows were pondering if they could escape from their field and eat my bike.

hmmmmm....tasty bike

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