Thursday, June 26, 2008

Highest hopes for tomorrow?

I mean c'mon already. When a place says we'll call you in the next few days I take that to mean less than a week. The "next" implies that it is right up against the progression of days. Saying that Friday is next to Monday is a bit of a stretch: especially since Fridays are technically closer to the next following Monday. (I don't know know how to punctuate that last sentence.)

Anyway, if they don't call tomorrow. I'll be disappointed again, but I'll be most upset that I won't have a better descriptor for my blog title. I might have to resort to broken English. Highester, or Current Hope = Highest Hope +1 Hope, or Highestest. Maybe I can just put difference emphasis on the word using cap like HIGHEST (or even better HiGhEsT). Hopefully I won't have to resort to these admittedly awful solutions.

It stormed again today, so I'm still pretending that it doesn't matter since I don't think I'll ever go riding in thunder and lighting. I know I'm just trying to decrease my cognitive dissonance, and that takes a little of the pleasure out of it.

Today we go for a Youtube clip.......

I don't even like Lance Armstong that much, but this still made me laugh. I was just thinking some light cardio...

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